Saturday, February 16, 2013

Raanan Katz, RK Centers: Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire?

Wow, Raanan Katz and RK Centers openly admitted and provided proof to the court that I am invited, have consent from the business owners, and contractual relationships with them. Yet, Katz attorney, Todd Levine, Todd Levine, Todd Levine, Todd Levine of Miami based Kluger, Kaplan, Silverman, Katzen, Levine law firm, is trying to get green light for his client to act against the law and constitution. Apparently, Judge Friedman order and Raanan Katz own settlement agreement was not attached to their motion. No wounder why!!! Liar is always a liar!

Hearing on the contempt matter is scheduled on Feb 26, 2013.
Cannot wait to show to the Court that Raanan Katz and Co were and are repeated liars.  Judge Ellen. L. Leesfield, who unfortunately will be off the bench at the time of the hearing, published Basic Of Expert Testimony where she cited Florida Bar Rule 4-3. 4 (b)
"A lawyer shall not: (b) fabricate evidence, counsel or assist a witness to testify falsely, or offer an inducement to a witness, except a lawyer may pay a witness reasonable expenses incurred by the witness in attending or testifying at proceedings; a reasonable, noncontingent fee for professional services of an expert witness; and reasonable compensation to reimburse a witness for the loss of compensation incurred by reason of preparing for, attending, or testifying at proceedings "

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