Sunday, June 9, 2013

Judge Orders To File Raanan Katz Unsealed Deposition Transcript

UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA ruled on Raanan Katz Motion for Protective Order in part related to Mr. Katz request to "seal" his deposition transcript in the CASE NO. 12-2221 I-CIV-KING/M CALILEY.

In this case Raanan Katz alleged copyright violation related to his "unflattering" picture.  Judge ordered filing of the transcript with the court records by June 12, 2013, and "under seal" request was denied. This means that new details of the case could be revealed by the end of next week. Here is the extraction from the Court order. 

"Also pending is Plaintiffs (Raanan Katz) Motion for Protective Order, in which he requests, among other things, that the Court enter a protective order requiring that his deposition transcript be filed
under seal. (DE 50, p. 102.)..

I have carefully reviewed Plaintiffs (Raanan Katz) motion for protective order and exhibits, and have considered it in light of Judge King's prior order denying the parties' joint motion for protective order. (DE 23). I find that Plaintiff (Raanan Katz) has not shown good cause for entering a protective order requiring that his transcript be filed under seal. See Fed. R. Civ.P, 26(c)(1) (good cause required for protective order); In re Alexander Grant & Co. Litig.,820 F.2d 352, 355-57 (1 1th Cir. 1987) (although the public has no First Amendment right of access to pretrial discovery materials, the parties must show good cause for a protective order); S.D. Fla. Local Rule 5.4(a) ("Unless otherwise provided by law, Court rule or Court order, proceedings in the United States District Court are public and Court Filings are matters of public record.'').

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