Monday, May 20, 2013

RK Centers Speak Blonde In Their Pleadings

RK Centers invented new blonde allegations in their amended complaint filed with Miami State Court. Well, the problem is that American taxpayers are paying for RK Centers and Raanan Katz court games and their blond allegations.

Here is the extraction from RK Centers and Raanan Katz amended complaint.

"...64.    Consistent with their twisted history, on September 3, 2012, Defendants posted an illustration of Mrs. Katz and Daniel Katz on the Blogs. Defendants depicted Mrs. Katz saying "I am staying at a red stop sign for 6 hours... & it's not turning green ... people around are [sic] laughing... and I am getting worried... IS it [sic] SOMETHING WRONG WITH THE SIGN???" Next to this is a depiction of Daniel Katz saying "CALL 911, extension BLONDE."' See September 3, 2012 Blog, a true and correet copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "E." (emphasis in original)....Mrs. Katz has blonde hair...",  this was respectfully submitted by RK Centers and Raanan Katz attorney, Mr. Todd Levine.

 This is another part that was respectfully presented by Raanan Katz and RK Centers attorney Todd Levine. My advise do not laugh when attorney Todd Levine testifies about search engine something...

"Todd Levine:Do you know what -- when you do a search on Google, you'll get various results for your search, correct?...
Todd Levine:Search engine optimization is a process by which -- well, you're laughing probably because you know more about this than I do, correct?...
Todd Levine: Is that why you're laughing?...
Todd Levine: Why are you laughing?...
Todd Levine: Why are you laughing at my question when I'm trying to explain search engine optimization to you?..."

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