Sunday, April 21, 2013

Raanan Katz: The Picture Is Unfair, They Make Fun Of Me

Here is Raanan Katz deposition that was taken in his alleged copyright infringement case. To view all publicly available records, please, visit federal court website. For those who do not know Raanan Katz- Raanan Katz is RK Centers and Miami Heat Owner. He also likes suing people...

DECEMBER 18, 2012
11:06 a.m. - 4:59 p.m.

Raanan Katz: You know, again -- you know, I believe it took us sorne time to find who did it, took us some time to find, you know, who did it. And only reason I -- I did continue it I've to stop sort of saying, your client Start publishing this, you know, this article in the blogs and I saw everything what she did.

Attorney: Did you -

Raanan Katz: I didn’t have time, I left it alone.

Attorney: So, prior to the beginning publishing of blogs,
articies by my client, did you contact Mr. Seffi Magriso about this -- this photo?

Raanan Katz: Only -- only reason to contact him is because I saw the blog...if he dont have a blog I would've not have -- I would leave it alone, it's a joke...

Attorney: Okay.   The -- so, on that May -- on that May date; that was the first time that you decided that you wanted to go and contact Mr. Magriso?

Raanan Katz: I don't remember. I don't -- I cannot tell you I don't remember.

Attorney: Did you contact Seffi Magriso --

Raanan Katz: No.

Attorney:-- prior to seeing your picture on the defendant's blog? 
Raanan Katz: I don't think so.

Attorney: Okay.   So, earlier when you said that you got an email from your friend -

Raanan Katz:Mm-hmm.

Attorney:-- about the Haaretz -

Raanan Katz: Mm-hmm.

Attorney:-- article and you were upset about it -

Raanan Katz: Mm-hmm.

Attorney:-- you didn't contact the -- the photographer until you then later saw it on another publication?

Raanan Katz: No, I -

MR. KLUGER: Objection to -- object to the form. You can answer.

Raanan Katz: I called my friend -- I'm trying to remember. I told my friend to call the reporter not to the photographer.

Attorney: When did you tell your friend to call the reporter?

Raanan Katz: Some time after he sent me this article.

Attorney: After he sent you the article?

Raanan Katz: Yeah, from Haaretz.

Attorney: Was that before you saw the article, the photo, alleged photo in the -- in the blog?

Raanan Katz: I don't remember. She did a marvelous job is putting it nonstop, that's only what I looked like, okay, so.

Attorney: But you're not sure -

Raanan Katz: No -- no, you know, you know, let me answer please, okay. You know, here you see another picture in her one of her blogs. If she really want to be to be punk she could've had this, you know, this picture instead of, you know, this one, okay. So, let's say -- let's don't try to confuse me in some dates but go ahead...

Attorney: So, how -- how did you come to find this photo?

Raanan Katz: Sometimes somebody shows on the -- on the Internet and on the Internet, see I'm pretty popular, you know, in Israel. And it shows there and he sent me this. And I usually had just -- somebody had said me maybe I don't even say it at all. Right now, the only reason I now said, actually I never said it. Only reason it's here because your client decided to put it on you know to put it on it -- on her blogs to get those some ugly situation blogs.

Attorney: Okay. So, this photo here, a minute ago you said -this photo would have been okay to put in the blog article?

Raanan Katz: Yes, yes. Well, it's not to kept blog completely, because the blog is despicable -- make sure you understand what I'm saying, but if you -- if you da something, if you want to -- you can't let your life feel legit whatever it is, she could've put a good picture instead of this ugly pictures that everybody knows that this is certainly does look like me, look me underdressed, okay, that's what I'm saying.

Attorney: So -- so, the difference between this picture that we've been talking about and the other picture is that you believe the picture that's an issue in the case is ugly?

Raanan Katz: That the picture is unfair, they make fun of me.

Attorney: It makes fun of you?

Raanan Katz: And that's exactly what's her intention. To antagonize me, to help me in any way possible and to get me upset. That's exactly what's -- what's her full-- her cause and we can go to it later.

Attorney: Okay. So, if we put -- if she put this photo in an article about you that would be okay?

Raanan Katz: Nothing she do is okay, nothing, not a -- nothing she's doing -- she doing is disgrace to the human race, okay. Make sure you know you geb it; I'll say it in the court of law under -- under oath, okay, completely. But I say -- but at least, if she believe she want to make a point, and not to make a fool out of herself, she should have put picture like this or like this or many other pictures you can find on the -- on the Internet."

Well, no worries, Raanan, ...the good one is coming.. and I mean not only picture...
raanan katz

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