Sunday, May 19, 2013

RK Centers: What Is The Reason Of Raanan Katz, RK Centers Success

"THE COURT: Yes. Are they fully occupied or are they almost fully occupied (RK Centers)?
MR. KLUGER: Judge, these are very successful centers, the Katz family, it's not only dad who came here from Israel with nothing, his children, his family is in the business. They are very successful. The cases talk about intent to injure in a business way and the fact that people read these poisonous defamatory publications, and as a result they don't want to do business.
MR. KLUGER: The fact that they found five other people to do business, doesn't impact at all my ability to get an injunction.
THE COURT: Na speeches yet.
MR. KLUGER: Sorry.
THE COURT: Just down boy."

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