Sunday, March 24, 2013

Appeal Court Ordered Raanan Katz and RK Centers To Respond By Due Date

RK Centers, Raanan Katz and other 14 appellees have been requesting extension of time over and over again. Unfortunately, for Miami Heat and RK Centers owner, Raanan Katz,  he has to respond by April 3, 2013.

Here is part of the 3DCA order:

"Extension granted to file answer brief NFE (NO FURTHER EXTENSION). Appellee's (Raanan Katz, RK Centers and etc) motion for an extension of time to file the answer brief is granted to and including April 3, 2013, with no further extensions allowed. If said brief is not timely filed in accordance with this order, appellee(s) (Raanan Katz, RK Centers and etc.) will be precluded from filing an answer brief and/or presenting oral argument to the court in this cause."


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