Tuesday, March 26, 2013

RK Centers, Raanan Katz, 17070 COLLINS AVE SHOPPING CTR LTD Filed Voluntary Dismissal In Miami Court

Raanan Katz, the owner of 17070 COLLINS AVE SHOPPING CTR LTD, filed a notice of voluntary dismissal against the only defendant in the Miami Dade case 2012-43014-CA-01.

On November 1, 2012 Raanan Katz company, 17070 COLLINS AVE SHOPPING CTR LTD,  initiated legal action for DAMAGES against former tenant.  Raanan Katz company, 17070 COLLINS AVE SHOPPING CTR LTD, intensively was trying to move this case for DEFAULT. 
On December 24, 2012 default WAS NOT ENTERED...and on Feb 8, 2013 Raanan Katz company 17070 COLLINS AVE SHOPPING CTR LTD filed a notice of voluntary dismissal.  

Should we all make donations to "compensate" Raanan Katz for his alleged "DAMAGES"... and offer him additional "compensation" as  "punitive damages" for his frustration in NOT obtaining DEFAULT??? Another legal droppings made by Raanan Katz company -17070 COLLINS AVE SHOPPING CTR LTD.


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